Monday, May 7, 2012

What is the benefit of buying an apple laptop with a solid state hard drive?

What is the benefit of buying an apple laptop with a solid state hard drive?
I'm thinking of buying one of the new Macbooks from Apple. I usually go by the philosophy of buying the highest level of technology that I can afford.... but in this case... I'm not sure whether the solid state hard drive is worth the money.
Laptops & Notebooks - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The main profit is that they're extremly fast, thats pretty much the difference from SSD and HDD. SSD though has very small amount of space (for some that is), but if you dont need alot of that, Id say go for it.
2 :
Solid state hard drive have no moving parts, kind of like a an external flash drive but much faster and the capacity is much greater. Solid state drives are however very expensive if bought separately. But their claim to fame is almost zero read/write times since there is no disk inside spinning. They are worth every penny.
3 :
little to none ---no storage and very xpensive ---- u should never defrag a solidstate hard drive
4 :
IMHO the advantage of the solid state drive is its lesser sensitivity to vibration, its lesser heat output, its greater speed of access, and if I recall its greater capacity. However, there is to consider its greater price. Some say also that the hard drive has a sophisticated enough motion sensor to nullify my argument about lesser sensitivity to motion. Some say that my notion of lesser heat output is pure hooey. There have been conflicting tests of speed. On a thumb drive, I am sure, there is a definite lifetime, a discrete number of "fillups" it may endure. I'm not sure whether or not this is true of EITHER hard drives OR SSDs.
5 :
"I usually go by the philosophy of buying the highest level of technology that I can afford." Bad philosophy. Just because you can under-spend and get what you paid for, does;t mean that there is also an opposite extreme of declining returns. Also, remember all those iPhone early adopters who found out they could have saved themselves some money by simply waiting for an iPhone. "I'm not sure whether the solid state hard drive is worth the money." Unless you specify what your priorities are, there's no way for anybody to answer this question for you - solid state drives allow for ultraportable computers with built in HD. You're either willing to pay for that extra portability or you're not. People can only tell you what will suit your priorities - not what your priorities are. Are you even sure you knwo what you want?
6 :
hi vee dee, apple is far from the best cause that title is held by dell according to consumer report but when you talk apple although they come out with some good products their computers is a lost dog, no offence the reason is they are having petition problems. please aloow me to explain when you buy apple computer you get a tune-up diskett that gives your computer it's mac and people uses internet explorer 7 and windows xp on it but then you have an error and that is any error you are automaticly shot right to your windows which is mac. bummer man cause you lost all of that information plus your time and date is screwed up also so what you do is put your tune up diskett in your dvd driver and start all over again but you lost all of that data. good luck hope i was helpful to you

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